PR & Influencer

ProWein further expands its leading position

With 6,870 exhibitors from 64 countries and over 60,000 trade visitors from 133 countries, ProWein 2018 in Düsseldorf ended.

We are very pleased that you were here and hope that you too had successful and pleasant days at the trade fair.

Our final press release, which you can read here, illustrates the success of this year’s ProWein, which was able to further expand the leading position as the most important international trade fair for the wine and spirits industry with an increase of visitors from Germany and abroad.

ProWein 2018
But also over and above the numbers, there was an overwhelming response: The participants were enthusiastic about the extremely large selection of first-class wines and spirits on site and praised the unmistakably professional atmosphere at the trade fair. Besides the unique opportunity to hold important order discussions, the numerous tasting zones, creative special shows and informative trade events were also highlighted. They were part of the accompanying supporting programme, which included a total of more than 500 events.

If you like, you can enjoy comments and images here that authentically reflect the atmosphere and liveliness of ProWein.

We are especially pleased to receive suggestions, compliments and criticism. What can we improve? What do you dislike?

We would like to ask you to note down the next ProWein date in Düsseldorf today: 17 to 19 March 2019.

Should you have the opportunity beforehand to experience the international character of the trade fair outside of Europe, we look forward seeing you in Singapore ProWine Asia from 24 to 27 April 2018 and in Shanghai ProWine China from 13 to 15 November 2018.

La scrittura è una malattia, che cura da vent’anni con tutto il giornalismo possibile: ha lavorato per due quotidiani, una televisione e mezza dozzina di riviste, guidato da direttore responsabile magazine e siti internet. Autore di un libro storico sul secondo dopoguerra e di un romanzo di narrativa, ama firmare reportage di viaggio ed è membro del Gruppo italiano stampa turistica. Si emoziona per un calice di Prosecco o per una alchimia di gusti nel piatto. Runner per passione, ha vissuto più maratone di quanto potesse sognare ma trova quiete solo correndo tra i monti e nelle note della moonlight sonata di Beethoven. Vive con Ketra, tre gatti e un cane zoppo. È il direttore di Storie di Eccellenza.

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